
A Producers Guide for Judicious Use of Antimicrobials in Cattle


  • 防止问题: Emphasize appropriate husbandry and hygiene, routine health examinations, and vaccinations.

  • 慎重选择和使用抗生素: Consult with your veterinarian on the selection and use of antibiotics. 有正当理由使用抗生素. Therapeutic alternatives should be considered prior to using antimicrobial therapy.

  • Avoid Using Antibiotics Important in Human Medicine As First Line Therapy: Avoid using as the first antibiotic those medications that are important to treating strategic human or animal infections.

  • 使用实验室帮助您选择抗生素: Cultures and susceptibility test results should be used to aid in the selection of antimicrobials, 只要有可能.

  • 避免使用广谱: Use narrow spectrum antimicrobials, 只要有可能. 不鼓励联合抗生素治疗.

  • 避免不当使用抗生素: Confine therapeutic antimicrobial use to proven clinical indications, avoiding inappropriate uses such as for viral infections without bacterial complications.

  • 治疗方案应反映最佳使用原则: Regimens for therapeutic antimicrobial use should be optimized using current pharmacological information and principles.

  • 尽可能少地对待动物限制对患病或危险动物使用抗生素.

  • 在推荐的时间段内治疗: To minimize the potential for bacteria to become resistant to antimicrobials.

  • 避免抗生素污染环境: Steps should be taken to minimize antimicrobials reaching the environment through spillage, 被污染的地面流失或雾化.

  • 保存抗生素使用记录: Accurate records of treatment and outcome should be used to evaluate therapeutic regimens and always follow proper withdrawal times.

  • 遵循标签说明: Follow label instructions and never use antibiotics other than as labeled without a valid veterinary prescription.

  • 标签外抗生素使用必须遵循FDA法规较真:处方, including extra label use of medications must meet the Animal Medicinal Drug
    Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA) amendments to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and its regulations. This includes having a valid Veterinary-Client-Relationship.

  • 不鼓励使用非治疗性抗生素: Antibiotic use should be limited to prevent or control disease and should not be used if the principle intent is to improve performance.