

在一座黄色的金属建筑旁,有一大堆青贮玉米. A stack of round hay bales and a line of large trees are visible on the other side of the pile.

Cattle producers are being challenged to find feed for their cow herd. 干旱严重限制了饲料资源, 造成多余的干草, 通常留到下一季, 正在被喂养或已经被消耗. 

这是双重打击. Reduced pasture growth means feeding more harvested feed before pasture turn out AND fields that are normally hayed are not growing. Consequently, next year’s winter feed supply is looking sparse.

Unless a total 干旱 occurs, there will be some feed produced this summer. It may have been intended as forage, or perhaps a failed field crop. Instead of harvesting for grain, fields can be hayed or made into silage. 干旱 raised feeds should have their nutritional profile tested before feeding, 检查营养和毒素水平.

Cereal grains such as wheat, barley or oats, can be hayed and make excellent feeds for a cow herd. With normal rainfall, 3 to 6 large round bales per acre could be harvested. During 干旱, though, only 1 or 2 bales per acre may be realized. 

一定要检测硝酸盐含量. If toxic levels are found, feed can be diluted with low nitrate feeds when fed.  Making silage from these feeds will reduce the nitrate concentration by 50% as the microbes digest nitrates during the fermentation process.

玉米青贮是一种优良的冬季奶牛饲料. In June, the corn is still actively growing and we don’t know what the yield will be. 从牛群的角度来看, 我们可能得买更多的玉米来剁, probably not a cheap source of feed with higher corn prices forecasted. 然而,它是饲料的来源. 玉米 silage doesn’t lend itself to hauling distances, though, with a 65% water content.

干旱 may be widespread in North Dakota but not across the USA. 饲料可以运到北达科他州. Please monitor carefully for noxious weeds that could be in feeds. Shipping screenings from another state in to North Dakota could contribute to palmer amaranth or other weed invasion.

North Dakota processing plants produce co-products like wheat midds, 蒸馏谷物, 大豆皮, 玉米谷蛋白饲料, 大麦船体, 豌豆分裂, 筛选和许多蛋白质来源. A list of co products produced in North Dakota is available at http://www.ag.sh-fyz.com/Livestockextension/sources-and-prices-for-selected-co-products-produced-in-north-dakota.

North Dakota feed manufacturers provide an abundant source of supplements and complete feeds. 在干旱和饲料价格高企的时候, feed manufacturers can still produce a reasonably priced feed. These feeds make a balanced ration with added protein, energy, vitamins, minerals and additives. Manufactured feeds can be at a lower cost than the combined cost of buying each ingredient separately. 

如果你需要讨论选项, please contact me or your local NDSU 扩展 Ag and 自然资源 Agent; we’re here to help.

卡尔·霍普博士. D.