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本页改编自刊登于《乐虎电子》的文章 Crop & Pest Report on September 8, 2021.

In years when a sunflower crop may not make it to grain harvest, 生产者可能想知道他们是否应该挽救作物并将其作为饲料收获. The decision to harvest sunflowers as forage, particularly silage, requires careful consideration of several factors. Sunflower silage can make a suitable feed for beef cows, sunflower silage is about 80% of the feeding value of corn silage. 然而,如何把它挂起来仍然是一个挑战,因为向日葵通常不会很好地干燥. Consequently, 干饲料必须添加到青贮堆中,以降低水分水平到渗漏不是主要问题的程度.

向日葵青贮中的水分问题可以通过几种方法加以纠正. 前新大动物科学专家, LaDon Johnson, 建议在包装时混合玉米和向日葵青贮作为一种方法. 混合比例应为一负荷向日葵青贮与三至四负荷玉米青贮. 霜冻后等待7到10天将有助于干燥. Some varieties may take longer and waiting longer, 也增加了风对作物的损害和更大的干物质损失的风险. 建议在青贮堆中掺入干饲料,以降低青贮堆的含水率.

向日葵青贮的最佳水分含量为干物质含量的60% ~ 72%或28% ~ 40%. 为了尽量减少污水渗漏问题,湿度水平可能需要低于65%. 太湿的青贮饲料也会导致不良的梭菌发酵, 降低饲料质量,并可能由于适口性而限制自愿摄入量. Keep in mind the target moisture of 60% to 72%; harvesting immature sunflowers can produce silage with lower fiber, lignin and fat content, 可能提高牧草品质.

向日葵青贮的能量较低,为总可消化营养物质(TDN)的61% ~ 66%。, variety dependent, 比玉米青贮68% TDN. 向日葵青贮能量较低的主要原因是其纤维含量较高,约为玉米青贮的三分之一,木质素含量为玉米青贮的三倍, 纤维中不能消化的部分.

然而,糖果和油型向日葵可以使青贮饲料含有更多的蛋白质(11.1% to 12.5% versus 8.2% crude protein, respectively), fat (7.1% to 10.7% versus 3.(分别为3%),钙(0.8% to 1.5% versus 0.24%, respectively) than corn silage at 100% dry matter.

Due to the fat content of sunflower silage, 饲草应限制在日粮干物质基础的一半或更少. In forage-based diets, 饲粮脂肪含量超过6%会降低饲料的摄入量和消化率. Likewise, 向日葵青贮的高纤维含量可能通过减缓瘤胃的通过速度来减少采食量.

和制作青贮饲料一样, 在饲喂或将饲料暴露于氧气之前,需要28天的青贮过程. 青贮饲料的定价可能很复杂. 影响向日葵青贮价值的因素包括替代饲料成本, fertilizer costs, harvesting costs, removal of residue and nutrients from the field, storage costs, 收获和储存损失或缩水, and energy, protein and fiber content of the sunflower silage. Analyze the sunflower for nutrient content, and use these values to better understand the forage quality, 并根据营养价值相近的饲料确定价格, 比如中等质量的干草.

对于保险承保的向日葵,一定要在收获前联系农作物保险代理人. Likewise, 检查向日葵上是否有除草剂和杀虫剂的标签,并在青贮作物收割前遵守收割前的时间限制.

Many drought-stressed plants accumulate nitrates. 在饲养之前,测试向日葵青贮饲料的硝酸盐含量. Although proper ensiling will reduce nitrates, 它并不能保证饲料中硝酸盐的含量会达到“安全”水平.


sunflower field

Zac Carlson 

Miranda Meehan
Extension livestock environmental stewardship specialist

Hans Kandel
Extension Agronomist, Broadleaf Crops