






稻草 is the most common crop aftermath in North Dakota. 稻草不应该在没有补充的情况下喂养,因为稻草很少能提供足够的能量和蛋白质来满足动物的需求. 然而, 秸秆是牛羊口粮的良好替代品,如果适当补充高质量的饲料.

Differences in feeding value do exist among the 稻草s. 燕麦 is the most palatable and nutritious; barley 稻草 is second and wheat 稻草 has the lowest nutritional value of the main 粮食s. 小米 稻草 is more palatable and higher in energy and protein. 亚麻 稻草 is lower in feed value than all the others because of its lower digestibility.


稻草 DM %   TDN % NEm (Mcal /磅.) CP % ADF %  Ca % P%
大麦 90.0 43 0.38 4.1 52 0.37 0.11
亚麻 87.0 37 0.36 4.3 56 0.63 0.06
小米 86.0 51 0.47 7.0 45 0.44 0.12
燕麦 90.0 47 0.45 4.5 50 0.27 0.10
黑麦 88.0 41 0.40 3.6 53 0.22 0.08
大豆   88.0 42 0.44 5.2 55 1.59 0.06
小麦       90.0 43 0.40 3.6 52 0.19 0.09

稻草 one year old could also be considered a feed source. It usually is slightly more digestible and palatable than fresh 稻草. 锈病感染的秸秆或来自黑穗病感染的田地的秸秆显然对反刍动物没有特定的毒性或刺激性. 硝酸盐的积累将不会是一个因素,谷物已经成熟到足以产生成熟的种子.

成年肉牛在日粮中使用秸秆的比例比任何其他种类的家畜都高. Rations utilizing 50 percent 稻草 can be combined with higher protein grass 干草, 豆类海斯, 豆科草干草为肉牛在妊娠中期提供营养充足的冬季口粮. 稻草 should be used more sparingly in diet during the last trimester because pregnant cows, 尤其是母羊, lack the amount of abdominal space for large quantities of feed and growing fetus/s.  此外, 哺乳期间动物的需要量相当高,秸秆在饲粮中所占比例超过25%时,无法提供足够的能量和蛋白质来满足这些需求. 如果哺乳期间不可避免地要喂稻草, 补充高能量饲料, 比如谷物, 强烈推荐.

Pregnant two-year-old heifers can utilize 稻草 up to 25 percent of their ration. 当谷物秸秆在日粮中占20%时,可以令人满意地替代优质干草,而在地面和混合生长或背景日粮中只会适度降低增重率.

中低质量的粗饲料,如稻草和晚割的草原干草,不如高质量的饲料好吃. 出于这个原因, 每天同时饲喂优质或优质粗饲料,但将其与劣质粗饲料分开饲喂,往往会导致害羞或胆小的动物被迫食用大部分劣质粗饲料. 这是不可取的.

反刍动物消化粗饲料所需的总时间从2天到6天不等, 随着消化, fermenting forage releasing nutrients while the forage remains in the digestive tract. 几乎所有能被牛或羊消化的饲料纤维成分都必须在瘤胃和网状中被瘤胃微生物消化, explaining why lower quality roughages must spend more time in the forepart of the digestive tract. 这就是为什么“瘤胃填充”成为决定牛羊能消耗多少低质量粗饲料上限的主要因素.

高质量的粗饲料比低质量的粗饲料消化得更快,在消化道中移动得更快, 比如稻草. Because roughage requires at least three days or more to digest completely, it becomes possible to feed only good quality forages one or two days, then feed only 稻草 or poor roughage on alternate days or on third days.


Grinding and mixing 稻草 and higher quality 干草 is the ideal method to feed stray. 然而, 当没有研磨设备时, 隔天喂养计划通常是最好的选择,以确保所有动物在组中得到一些好的和一些较差的质量粗饲料.

通过研磨可以增加秸秆的消耗量, 但是,与长时间食用秸秆相比,研磨实际上并没有提高消化效率.

除了谷草, the amount of digestible protein provided by 稻草s is essentially zero, 因为在成熟的谷物秸秆中,只有大约10%的粗蛋白质是可以被牛消化和利用的. 稻草 should be assumed to provide no digestible or useable protein to the ration. 不幸的是, 试验表明,在高秸秆饲粮中,非蛋白氮(尿素)不能有效替代天然植物/动物蛋白. 天然蛋白质来源在补充秸秆中缺乏可消化蛋白质方面要有效得多.

稻草 does not provide enough nutrients to deserve any place in the ration of producing dairy cows. 然而, 少量可用于不寻常的饲料短缺的情况下,为干牛和替代小母牛的口粮.

回顾母羊的基本饲料需求表明,可以采用秸秆替代饲喂方案. 一只150磅重的母羊需要3个.5 pounds of feed per day during the first 15 weeks of gestation, 4.5 pounds during the last four to six weeks of gestation and 6-7 pounds per day during lactation. 自然较重的母羊需要更多的饲料. 如果有吸管的话, it will make the ration considerably cheaper and still meet the ewe requirements. 建议的每日稻草口粮是:

前15周 最近4-6周 泌乳
1.5磅. 干草 2磅. 干草 2磅. 干草
1.5磅. 稻草 1.5磅. 稻草 1.5磅. 稻草
0.5 lb. 粮食 1 lb. 粮食 3.5磅. 粮食

Ideally, 干草 and 稻草 should be mixed together with the 粮食 to improve consumption of 稻草. 然而, 如果没有研磨混合器, the 干草 and 粮食 can be fed daily and 稻草 free-choice. If you do not prefer to feed the 稻草 free-choice and rather feed it on a daily basis, 早上喂稻草,晚上喂干草. 这应该有助于迫使母羊在白天最活跃的时候更容易吃稻草.


CAUTION: Excessive over-dependence on 稻草 for a large proportion of the ration, 加上优质饲料不足和日总日粮可消化蛋白质摄入量不足, 会导致胃阻塞和死亡吗. 即使把稻草磨碎也会发生这种情况. 嵌套最有可能发生在持续10天或更长时间的严寒天气之后,以及年龄较大的反刍动物可能正在失去一些牙齿或胆小, 社会或等级较低的害羞动物.

低质量的草干草或草原干草, 通常是在很晚的时候, 如果没有充分补充提供足够可消化蛋白质的优质饲料,是否会导致同样的胃嵌塞问题.