
Certification Requirements of the North Dakota 牛肉 Quality Assurance Program



  • Cattle sold as North Dakota 牛肉 Quality Assurance (NDBQA) certified must be processed or treated by NDBQA certified personnel or under the supervision of a person who is NDBQA certified.
  • 幼崽必须有独特和独立的标识, with animal number and operation or ranch identification (NDBQA operation identification number, 或牧场品牌), at time of treatment or prior to leaving the ranch of origin.
  • 个人重新认证要求为3年.


  • All animal health products labeled for subcutaneous (SC) or intramuscular (IM) administration shall be administered in the neck. 没有例外!
  • If a product is label for both SC and IM routes of administration, SC use is preferable.
  • 每个部位不超过10cc, 地点之间的适当间距为3至4英寸.


  • All animals not kept for breeding stock will be dehorned before leaving the ranch of origin.
  • All male animals not kept for breeding stock will be castrated before leaving the ranch of origin.
  • All animal health products must be used according to label directions.
  • Extra-label drug use shall be used only when prescribed by a veterinarian working under a valid Veterinary Client Patient Relationship (VCPR).
  • 所有取款时间必须严格遵守.


Treatment records will be maintained with the following recorded:

  • 动物个体或群体的识别
  • 处理日期
  • Product administered and manufacturer's lot/serial number
  • 剂量使用
  • 行政路线和地点
  • Withdrawal period and earliest date animal will have cleared the withdrawal period.

Medicated or feed additives records will be maintained with the following recorded:

  • 个人或群体认同
  • 处理日期
  • 制造商,配给名称和编号
  • 添加剂使用
  • Withdrawal period and earliest date animal will have cleared the withdrawal period


  • Ruminant-derived protein sources cannot be fed according to FDA regulations.


  • Only FDA approved medicated feed additives will be used in rations.
  • Extra-label use of feed additives is illegal and strictly prohibited.
  • To avoid violative residues - withdrawal times must be strictly adhered to.
  • Complete records must be kept when formulating or feeding medicated feed rations.
  • 记录至少要保存两年.
  • Operator will assure that all additives are withdrawn at the proper time to avoid violative residues.