


This page was adapted from the article, "白霉:危险因素总结," which appeared in 作物 & 害虫的报告 2022年7月28日.

In some areas of the state the risk for white mold has increased. 视乎作物的生长阶段而定, proactive management of white mold could be considered if your risk is high. 下面是你可以考虑的十个因素的总结.  


  • Broadleaf plants become susceptible to white mold only once they begin blooming (sunflowers are an exception).  This is because the pathogen needs to utilize the flowers as a food source to cause infection.
  • 在一般情况下, the optimal time to manage white mold with a fungicide application will be somewhere in the early bloom stages of the crop. Applications made in later growth stages miss the critical window to prevent economically important infections.


  • 土壤水分. 土壤s must have some water to begin the disease cycle (when sclerotia germinate 🡪 生产apothecia 🡪 产生子囊孢子). 从历史上看, only 1-2 inches of rain falling in a 1-2 week period before plants enter bloom is considered the 最低 needed for sclerotia to germinate, 生产apothecia, 和 release ascospores.
  • 开花期间的温度.  Sclerotinia infection 和 development is optimal when daytime highs are cooler; especially the 60’s 和 70’s. White mold can occur at higher temperatures, but it requires longer periods of leaf wetness. 
  • 开花期间树冠的湿度.  White mold is favored if the plants are wet for long periods of time. Rain, fog, 和 heavy dews during bloom are all favorable for disease.  
  • 冠层密度和冠层闭合. These factors make a BIG difference on the environment in the field, 和, we learned recently also impact spray timing 和 droplet size (see article below).  一旦树冠闭合, the crop is likely to have a more favorable microclimate for infection 和 disease development.


  • 领域的历史.  Fields that have a history of white mold are often more likely to experience epidemics.  Sclerotia (the pathogens survival structure) can survive for many years in a field, so an epidemic a few years earlier may still be influencing this year’s growing season.  Consequently, just because we experienced a drought last year doesn’t mean we won’t have disease.
  • 轮作.  A field with a short rotation among susceptible broadleaf crops is more likely to have white mold problems than a field with no white mold history 和/or long crop rotations.
  • 作物.  所有阔叶作物都可能得白霉, but we tend to see sunflowers 和 dry edible beans be among the most sensitive 和 flax among the least.
  • 遗传学. While most broadleaf crops do not have ‘resistant’ varieties, 有些品种会比其他品种更不敏感. 在大豆, 易感性的变化是非常明显的, 和 soybeans with longer maturity groups are generally more susceptible.