



Healthwise for Wo男人 - Breast 癌症 (FN2004) - How to lower your risk for breast cancer.

Healthwise for Wo男人: Colon 癌症 (FN1905) - How to assess and lower your risk for colon cancer.

Healthwise for Guys: Colon 癌症 (FN1871) -  Early detection is key to survival, and several methods can be used for testing.

Healthwise for Guys: Prostate 癌症 (FN1870) -  Besides skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among U.S. 男人. 在美国.S., about one in five 男人 will develop prostate cancer. It is more common among older 男人, but it also occurs in younger 男人.

Healthwise for Wo男人: Skin 癌症 (FN1906) - How to assess and lower your risk for skin cancer.

Healthwise for Guys: Skin 癌症 (FN1869) - Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of skin cells due to DNA damage. Basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma are the most common and highly curable types of skin cancer. A third type, melanoma, causes the most deaths.


Healthwise for Guys: 心血管病 (FN1873) - Cardiovascular disease refers to conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels. Damage to the lining of the blood vessels caused by smoking, high blood pressure or high blood sugar can allow the bad cholesterol to seep into the artery wall.

Healthwise for Guys: High Blood Pressure (FN1872) - An estimated one in every two adults has high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. The risk of high blood pressure increases as you age.

糖尿病 & 前驱糖尿病

Healthwise for Guys: 前驱糖尿病 (FN1875) - 前驱糖尿病 is defined as blood sugar levels that are high but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. 糖尿病 is a condition when your pancreas makes insulin but the cells do not respond to it. Insulin is needed for glucose (sugar) from your food to enter the cells and give you energy.

如何预防糖尿病? (FN1766) - Receiving any diagnosis can be overwhelming and scary. This handout will help give you a better understanding of prediabetes and answer some of your basic questions about prediabetes.

Questions and Answers 乐虎电子 前驱糖尿病/糖尿病 and Your Health (FN1765) -将近29岁.100万美国人患有糖尿病, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In addition, an estimated 86 million U.S. 成年人有前驱糖尿病. 前驱糖尿病 affects 35 percent of adults age 20 and older and half of Americans age 65.


Healthwise for Guys: Overweight and 肥胖 (FN1874) - Overweight/obesity refers to a weight for a given height that is higher than recom男人ded for health. Body mass index (BMI) is a tool to measure healthy weight vs. 不健康的体重.
