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Powerful Tools for Caregivers

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Powerful Tools for Caregivers

强大的护理工具(PTC)是一个基于证据的, self-care education program for family caregivers. 最初开发成人慢性病护理人员, 为照顾者提供的强大工具扩大了该计划,包括为有特殊需要儿童的父母开设的课程. 这不是一个支持小组,而是一个为期六周的教育项目,重点是照顾者和发展自我照顾的技能和知识.

NDSU Extension began the PTC program in May 2013. 今天,有超过35名训练有素的班级领袖为全州的家庭护理人员提供研讨会.


Find a Class

NDSU扩展是北达科他州社区临床合作的一部分. You will be sent to for class registration. 在NDC3网站上查找“护理人员的强大工具”类搜索. 

Class Leader Training Opportunities

Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC)班领导培训是为那些想要共同领导家庭护理人员动态研讨会的人准备的.  如果你想在你服务的社区或县开始或扩大这个项目,现在就是时候了! 综合培训将使班级领导有能力共同领导针对两个目标受众的项目:患有慢性疾病的成人护理人员 and 照顾有特殊健康和行为需要的儿童的人.

Remote video URL

What are the “tools” learned in the PTC Classes?

In the six weekly classes, caregivers develop a wealth of self-care tools to: reduce personal stress; change negative self-talk; communicate their needs to family members and healthcare or service providers; communicate more effectively in challenging situations; recognize the messages in their emotions, deal with difficult feelings; and make tough caregiving decisions.

Why is PTC needed by caregivers?

研究发现,护理人员抑郁和焦虑的比例很高,而且更容易出现健康问题. 护理人员经常将个人活动和社交生活的限制作为问题. They often feel they have no control over events, 这种无力感会对照顾者的身心健康产生重大的负面影响.

How does PTC benefit caregivers?

该方案已被证明对包括农村在内的不同护理群体的护理人员的健康产生积极影响, ethnic minorities, adult children of aging parents, well-spouses/partners, and caregivers of children with special needs. 来自班级参与者评估的数据表明,PTC项目有所改善:

  • 自我照顾行为:(增加锻炼,使用放松技巧和医疗检查.)
  • 情绪管理:减少内疚、愤怒和沮丧.)
  • 自我效能(在处理照顾需求时增加信心).)
  • 社区资源的利用:(增加社区服务的利用.)
What is covered in the PTC classes?

Contact Info


Jane Strommen, Ph.D.
Gerontology Specialist
NDSU Extension Human Development & Family Science
E. Morrow Lebedeff Hall 255 D
Dept 7260, PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND  58108-6050