



All items must be successfully completed before submitting your document to the 研究生院. Your official submission date is the date on which the last item is received.


The Dissertation and Thesis Coordinator for the 研究生院 reviews your disquisition to ensure that it follows NDSU requirements for consistency in formatting, 文档外观的专业性, 以及出版的准备情况. Required changes and recommendations are listed in a memo which is sent to the student and their committee chair. A typical disquisition will go through the process about four times before acceptance.

Please note that the Dissertation and Thesis Coordinator does not proofread or edit the content of disquisitions. That work should be done before submitting it to the 研究生院. The 研究生院’s disquisition review is to coordinate matters related to disquisition publication.


The most common errors are related to inconsistency within the document. The key to good formatting is consistency; namely, that the disquisition looks like a single cohesive document from start to finish. For example, a chapter heading at the beginning of the disquisition should look the same as a chapter heading from the end of the disquisition; a table in one chapter should look similar to a table in another chapter, and so on.

Attention to detail will help you pass format review with fewer revisions. 在转换为PDF之前, look through your own document as a reader trying to find information in order to spot issues in page numbers, errors in the Table of Contents or List of Tables or List of Figures, or shifts in layout when changes get made higher up in the document. 转换为PDF后, page through again to make sure the PDF looks good before you submit it to the Grad School.


The 研究生院 asks that you use the style manual most appropriate or most commonly used in your discipline.

你的整个论文应该遵循一种风格, (包括引用, 表的标题, 图标题, etc.), except, of course, where the style directly conflicts with 研究生院 requirements. When your style manual conflicts with the 研究生院 requirements, 研究生院的要求优先考虑.

如果你不知道你的学科的风格手册, 请咨询你的指导老师, 或回顾以前批准的你的部门的论文, program, 或者研究领域.


When the Disquisition Processor receives notice that you have submitted your disquisition online (either through the ETD website or the email form for Master’s papers), an email verification is sent back to the email address that you have provided. This process is manual and not automated, so email verifications are sent only during working hours.


It usually takes 3-5 working days for a disquisition to be reviewed, 这取决于排队等待审查的人数. During end-of-semester deadlines, it could take longer than 5 working days.

If it has been longer than 5 working days, then it’s likely one of the following issues:

  • Many people submitted at the same time and the queue for review is backlogged. 请耐心等待.
  • 这篇评论被发送到另一个电子邮件地址. 请检查您所有的电子邮件地址.
  • The review was sent to the correct email address, but it’s been caught in your junk email folder. 请检查你的垃圾邮件设置.
  • The email address that you provided on the ETD website was incorrect. 请在提交时再次检查您的电子邮件地址.
  • 您没有在ETD网站上完整提交更改, and the Disquisition Processor was not notified of your resubmission. Log on to your submission on the ETD website and click “Submit changes”, 或与论文处理员联系.


请参阅在线格式指南的相应部分. Templates and examples are provided for many sections of the disquisition – please download and review these examples.

你亦可下载指引的pdf版本, 根据指南本身的格式. pdf文件解释和演示了指引.

View our “浏览格式审查过程的视频播放列表 GPS学院YouTube频道. The playlist contains eight videos: one about the format review process, six that are a “Word Crash Course” demonstrating formatting tips, and one is an overview and demonstration of using our Word templates.


Consider reviewing previously-approved disquisition from your department or program for full-length examples of disquisition formatting. 您可以在线访问NDSU的论文 它的数据库 通过 新大机构资料库. If looking at previously-published disquisitions to see examples of formatting, we recommend looking only at the disquisitions published from 2018 onward as these best reflect our current guidelines. 



The 研究生院 prefers that a student formats his/her own disquisition since you will be responsible for your own professional work after graduation. If you do enlist help or consultation when formatting your disquisition, 你仍然要对最终产品负责, and you must make sure that the required revisions are completed to the satisfaction of the 研究生院.


  • Graduate Center for Writers, for writing consultations and content review of your work. (仅限预约.)
  • Technology Learning and Media Center, for formatting consultations, MS Word help, and workshops.