
自2015年以来, 3MT competition finalists have impressed judges and the public with their interesting and impactful research.



Area of study: Doctoral student in coatings and polymeric materials 
Advisor: Eugene Caldona, assistant professor of coatings and polymeric materials
Presentation: “Soy much better: Making non-stick materials stick”





Area of study: Doctoral student in environmental and conservation sciences
Advisor: Marinus Otte, professor of biological sciences
Presentation: “Harnessing the Power of Wetlands to Improve Water Quality and the Climate”


Bivek Chaulagain

Area of study: Doctoral student in pharmaceutical sciences
Advisor: Jagdish Singh, professor and chair of pharmaceutical sciences
Presentation: “Alzheimer's Disease: Is Cannabidiol the answer?”


Pooyan Vahidi Pashaki

Area of study: Doctoral student in biomedical engineering
Advisor: Dinesh Katti, professor of civil, construction and environmental engineering
Presentation: “Next-Generation of Biomaterial for Sport-Related Ligaments Injury”


Nastaran Shahzadeh

Area of study: Doctoral student in coatings and polymeric materials
指导教师:院长C. 韦伯斯特, professor and chair of coatings and polymeric materials
Presentation: “Amphiphilically Modified coatings for Fouling Release Applications”


Himani Yadav

Area of study: Doctoral student in civil engineering 
Advisor: Syeed Iskander, assistant professor of civil, construction and environmental engineering
Presentation: “Plastic Consciousness: A part of solution to plastic pollution”



计划: Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Ph.D.
Presentation: “Drone spots illegal weed plants: The future of agriculture takes flight”



Sifat Karim Chowdhury
计划: 机械工程, Ph.D.
Presentation: “Fluid-Structure Interaction of Collapsible Thin-Walled Vessel under Different Flow Conditions”

Shokoofeh Ghasemi
计划: Coatings and Polymeric Materials, Ph.D.
Presentation: “Anti-ice coating; Making it hard for water to freeze”

计划: Natural Resources Management, M.S.
指导老师:Torre Hovick
Presentation: “That's One Hot Commodity: Both Cattle and Monarchs (Danaus plexippus) Eat Milkweed (Asclepias spp.)在牧地”

Siavash Mansouri
计划: Coatings and Polymeric Materials, M.S.
指导老师:Mohiuddin Quadir
Presentation: “Safe buildings by new green smart fire-fighting coating”

Ankita Sawant
计划: Environmental and Conservation Sciences, M.S.
Presentation: “Mycorrhizas and native prairie restoration: exploring the effects of mycorrhizal inoculum, 种子的起源, and phosphorus on plant performance”


2022 Grand Champion: Kishore Chittimalli

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Yagna Jarajapu
Presentation: “Restructuring Gut Microbiome for Healthy Aging”


计划: Exercise Science and Nutrition, Ph.D.
指导老师:Sherri Stastny
Presentation: “Protein Intake and Muscle Health”

计划: Natural Resource Science, M.S.
指导老师:Torre Hovick, Jason Harmon
Presentation: ”A Piece of Cake: Updated Monarch (Danaus plexippus L.) Conservation in North Dakota Rangelands”

计划: 土木工程, Ph.D.
Presentation: “Breaking the Chain(s) of Forever Chemicals”

计划: 医药科学, Ph.D.
Presentation: “Chronic Central Administration Of Apelin-13 Induces Blood-pressure Elevation And Cardiac Remodeling In Conscious Rats”

Presentation: “’Better Safe than Sorry’ : Social Media Responses to Emerging COVID-19 研究 in the 新闻”


2021 Grand Champion: Riddhi Trivedi

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
Presentation: presented “Brain Targeted Nanoparticles for Management of neuroAIDS.”

2021 Finalist:  Niyati Borkar

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
Advisor: Sathish Venkatachalem
Presentation “It's All 乐虎电子 the KISS - Gender and Asthma.” 

2021 Finalist: Jackson Benda

计划: Coatings and Polymeric Materials (Ph.D.)
Presentation: “Development of Robust Fouling-release Coatings with Amphiphilic Surfaces to Combat Biofouling.” 


2020 Grand Champion: Riddhi Trivedi

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
Advisors: Amrita Banerjee and Jagdish Singh
Presentation: “No More Hide and Seek: NanoParticles Seek Out the Hiding HIV in Brain to Combat NeuroAIDS” 

2020 Finalist: Jasmine Cutter

计划: 靶场科学(M).S.)
Advisors: Torre Hovick and Ben Geaumont
Presentation: “Just Crumbs: How We’re Starving Native Bees in America’s Bread Basket” 

2020年决赛选手:Babak Jahani

计划: 机械工程(Ph).D.)
Presentation: “The Effects of Surface Roughness on Functionality of Orthopedic Implants”

2020 Finalist: Babak Mamnoon

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Sanku Mallik
Presentation: “Smart Nanosoldiers to Combat Deadliest Cancers”

2020 Finalist: Alireza Rahimi

计划: Coatings and Polymeric Materials (Ph.D.)
指导教师:院长C. 韦伯斯特
Presentation: “Developing of Anti-icing Paints”

2020 Finalist: Hizb Ullah Sajid

计划: 土木工程博士.D.)
Advisor: Ravi Kiran Yellavajjala 
Presentation: “Bio-based Additives for Mitigating Corrosion in Transportation Infrastructure”



2019 Grand Champion: Elisabeth Wilson

计划: 生物科学(硕士).S.)
顾问:博士. 茱莉亚Bowsher
Presentation: "Micro-climate Impacts Nesting Choice and Success of Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee"

2019 Finalist: Alireza Rahimi

计划: Coatings and Polymeric Materials (Ph.D.)
顾问:博士. 迪恩·韦伯斯特
Presentation: "Developing of Marine Paints to Combat Biofouling"

2019 Finalist: Matthew Confeld

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
顾问:博士. Sanku Mallik
Presentation: "Hypoxia Responsive Peptide Conjugated Nanoparticles for Treatment of Solid Tumors"

2019 Finalist: Mohsen Tahmasebi Nasab

计划: 土木工程博士.D.)
顾问:博士. 雪峰楚
Presentation: "How do Climate-driven Changes Affect our Water Resources?"

2019 Finalist: Pranothi Mulinti

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
顾问:博士. 阿曼达·布鲁克斯
Presentation: "Silk Bubbles to the Rescue"

2019 Finalist: Priyanka Swami

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
顾问:博士. 埃斯特尔勒克莱尔
Presentation: "Combination Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment"

2019年决赛选手:Raquib Hasan

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
顾问:博士. 阿曼达·布鲁克斯
Presentation: "Putty that Treats Bone Infection"

2019 Finalist: Sakshi Taneja

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
顾问:博士. 埃斯特尔勒克莱尔
Presentation: "Evaluating the Critical Role of Receptor of Advanced Glycation Endproducts (RAGE) in Pancreatic Cancer"


2018 Grand Champion: Farnaz Fouladi

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Kristine Steffen
Presentation: “The Role of the Gut Bacteria in Weight Loss Surgery”

2018 Finalist: Shrinidh Joshi

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Yagna Jarajapu
Presentation: “‘Designer’ Stem Cells for the Treatment of Diabetic Complications: ‘The Future is Now’”

2018 Finalist: Cecilia Monclova-Santana

计划: 植物病理学(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Julie Pasche
Presentation: “Rust: A Dry Bean Disease Story in North Dakota”

2018 Finalist: Seseer Mou-Danha

计划: 通信(Ph值.D.)
指导老师:Charles Okigbo
Presentation: “Nothing, Nothing Justifies Terrorism”

2018 Finalist: Amreen Mughal

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Stephen O'Rourke
Presentation: “Regulation of Vascular Tone in Cerebral and Coronary Arteries by Apelin/APJ Receptor Mechanisms”

2018 Finalist: Suresh Niraula

计划: Environmental and Conservation Sciences (Ph.D.)
指导老师:Shafiqur Rahman
Presentation: “Does Manure Application Help Increase Corn Yield in ND?”



2017 Grand Champion: Tayebeh Anajafi Marzijarani

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Sanku Mallik
Presentation: “Targeted Drug Delivery in Pancreatic Cancer”

2017 Finalist: Matthew Crouse

计划: 动物科学(Ph).D.)
Presentation: “Effects of Maternal Nutrition on Fructose, 葡萄糖, and Cationic Amino Acid Transporter Expression in Bovine Utero-placental Tissues from Days 16 to 50 of Gestation”

2017 Finalist: Farnaz Fouladi

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Kristine Steffen
Presentation: “The Role of the Gut Bacteria in Sustained Weight Loss after Gastric Bypass Surgery”

2017年入围者:Babak Jahani

计划: 机械工程(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Fardad Azarmi
Presentation: “Development of an Advanced Composite Material Consisting of Iron Matrix Reinforced with Ultra High Temperature Ceramic Particulate (TiB2) with Optimum Properties”


计划: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Ph.D.)
指导老师:Canan Bilen-Green
Presentation: “A Semiparametric Trajectory Model for Cognitive Decline”


计划: Advanced Athletic Training (M.S.)
指导老师:Shannon David
Presentation: “Psychometric Evaluation of Two Self-Reported Questionnaires for Musculoskeletal Injuries Among Musicians”

2017年入围者:J Stanley

计划: 植物科学(M).S.)
Presentation: “Soybean Yield Gap in North Dakota”

2017 Finalist: Masahiro Toyama

计划: 发展科学博士.D.)
指导老师:Heather Fuller
Presentation: “The Protective Power of Social Relationships in Late Life”



2016 Grand Champion: Manpreet Bains

计划: 分子致病性(Ph.D.)
指导老师:Glenn Dorsam
Presentation: "Modulatory Effects of Neural Proteins on Your Microbiome"

2016年决赛选手:Sajid Asif

计划: Electrical and Computer Engineering (Ph.D.)
Presentation: "Batteryless, Leadless Pacemaker"

2016 Finalist: Renee Bourdeaux

计划: 通信(Ph值.D.)
指导老师:Ann Burnett
Presentation: "Financial Conversations Between Romantic, Committed Partnerships"

2016 Finalist: Lauren Dennhardt

计划: 植物学(Ph值.D.)
Presentation: "Kentucky Bluegrass Invasion of North Dakota"

2016 Finalist: Prajakta Kulkarni

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Sanku Mallik
Presentation: "Pancreatic Cancer Treatment"

2016 Finalist: Courage Mudzongo

计划: 发展科学博士.D.)
指导老师:Brandy Randall
Presentation: "Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: Lessons from an Urban Adolescent Population"


2015 Grand Champion: Allison Peltier

计划: 护理(DNP)
指导老师:Loretta Heuer
Presentation: "Cervical Cancer Among American Indian Women: The Battle Against Health Inequalities"

2015年决赛选手:Lutfur Akand

计划: 土木工程博士.D.)
Presentation: "Exploring fiber reinforced porous concrete with finite element modeling and experimental studies"


计划: 分子发病机制(Ph).D.)
指导老师:John McEvoy
Presentation: "Host mucins trigger replication of a pathogentic parasite"

2015 Finalist: Venkata Indurthi

计划: 药学(Ph).D.)
指导老师:Stefan Vetter
Presentation: "Diabetes, high blood sugar, and protein modifications"

2015 Finalist: Courage Mudzongo

计划: 发展科学博士.D.)
指导老师:Brandy Randall
Presentation: "Short-Term Mission Trips"