Karagan Friedt with dog
Karagan Friedt

Preparing for a future in animal agriculture


名称: Karagan Friedt
主要: Animal Science - Production Management & Husbandry option
年: 高级
家乡: Mott, North Dakota
Graduation Date: 2023年5月

Why I chose NDSU

I chose to attend NDSU because it was agriculturally known and offered a major I was interested in. Also, it was far enough away from home to get some new experiences. 


Why I chose a major in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources

I grew up on a small family owned and operated ranch in small-town North Dakota. Agriculture is all I have ever known; I cannot imagine a life without it. It was an easy decision for me to choose a major that involved agriculture. 

Learn about the Animal Science program

奖学金 are a reward for my hard work

I have been incredibly blessed to receive numerous scholarships, not only for my work in high school, but also for my work at NDSU. I have been awarded the Verlin & Eloise Johnson Animal Science Livestock & Meats Judging Scholarship as well as the Eugene R. Hinsz Animal Husbandry Scholarship. Receiving these has shown me that my hard work and dedication to my studies and activities has really paid off. 

奖学金 offered by the College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources

Participation in clubs broadens my college experience 

I serve as the Judging Club president as well as the Saddle and Sirloin Little International sheep superintendent, and I am a team member on the NDSU Livestock Judging Team. My freshman year, I made the mistake of not joining any clubs or activities. I started college during the dreaded Covid year so that did limit some participation, 然而, I did not go out of my way to get involved. Something sparked when I started my second year and decided to join the NDSU Livestock Judging Team and Saddle and Sirloin. This was one of the best decisions I made. I got to travel, learn, and see so many new things. Getting involved even in one or two clubs will only benefit your experience here at NDSU. 

Student organizations within the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources

Internship opportunities give me real-world experience

I had the opportunity to work at two internships between academic years at NDSU. The summer of 2021 led me to Hettinger, ND, to work at West River Veterinary Clinic, where I was trained as a Large Animal Tech. I learned many new things and spent a majority of my time semen testing, working with cattle, 马, and the occasional sheep. The summer of 2022 led me back to my hometown, where I served as an 扩展 intern. I learned about all that NDSU 扩展 has to offer and helped with county fairs, 四健会营, and so much more. 

A class assignment taught me something new about myself

In my Environmental Outreach Methods class, we created lessons about a predetermined topic and presented it to elementary school classes around Fargo. This real classroom experience helped me realize that I love to educate others about agriculture and work with youth. 

Participation in clubs is the best part of my NDSU experience

My greatest memory at NDSU has to be joining the Judging Team. It is hard to narrow it down to one specific memory, but the trip to Lubbock, 德州, sure was a fun one. Getting involved in clubs is my best memory. 

My future plans 

I would like to head back to western North Dakota and work in animal agriculture while running my small herd of Hereford/Red Angus cattle.